
Introduction to Python

  • Chapter 4.2: Dictionaries

    Learning about dictionaries In Python, a dictionary is an unordered, mutable, and indexed data structure. It stores data in key-value pairs and provides a way to retrieve the value for…

  • Chapter 4.3: Comprehensions

    Understanding comprehensions Python provides a unique and powerful feature called comprehensions, which allow us to construct new lists, dictionaries, and sets in a concise and readable way. List Comprehensions A…

  • Chapter 5.1: Reading and Writing to Files

    Understanding how to read and write to files Files are a common way to store and exchange data. Python provides built-in functions and methods to read from and write to…

  • Chapter 5.2: Working with Paths, Folders, and Files

    Learning how to work with paths, folders, and files Working with files, directories, and pathnames in Python can be done using the os and os.path modules. These modules provide functionality…