
Installing React.js

Installing React.js on Linux

Installing Node.js and npm

  1. Open Terminal: Open a terminal window.
  2. Update Package List: Update your local package cache. sudo apt update
  3. Install Node.js and npm:
    bash sudo apt install nodejs npm

Installing React.js

  1. Create React App: Create a new React application. npx create-react-app my-app
  2. Run Your App: Navigate to your app’s directory and start it.
    bash cd my-app npm start

Installing React.js on Windows

Installing Node.js and npm

  1. Open Command Prompt: Open a new Command Prompt window.
  2. Download Node.js: Download Node.js installer from the official website.
  3. Install Node.js: Follow the installation wizard to install Node.js, which will also install npm.

Installing React.js

  1. Create React App: Create a new React application. npx create-react-app my-app
  2. Run Your App: Navigate to your app’s directory and start it.
    bash cd my-app npm start

Installing React.js on macOS

Installing Node.js and npm

  1. Open Terminal: Open a terminal window.
  2. Install Homebrew: If you haven’t already. /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
  3. Install Node.js and npm:
    bash brew install node

Installing React.js

  1. Create React App: Create a new React application. npx create-react-app my-app
  2. Run Your App: Navigate to your app’s directory and start it.
    bash cd my-app npm start

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