
Installing Python on Windows: A Beginner’s Guide

Step 1: Download Python Installer

  1. Open your web browser and go to the Python official website:
  2. Navigate to the “Downloads” tab and click on it.
  3. Click the “Download Python” button for Windows.

Step 2: Run the Installer

  1. Locate the downloaded file in your “Downloads” folder.
  2. Double-click the installer file to run it.

Step 3: Installation Setup

  1. You’ll see an installation window. Make sure to check the box that says “Add Python to PATH” at the bottom.
  2. Click “Install Now” to proceed.

Step 4: Installation Complete

  1. You’ll see a window that says “Setup was successful” when the installation is complete.
  2. Click “Close” to exit the installer.

Step 5: Verify Installation

  1. Open the Command Prompt (search “cmd” in the Start menu).
  2. Type python --version and press Enter.
  3. You should see the Python version you installed. This means Python is successfully installed.

And that’s it! You’ve successfully installed Python on your Windows computer. Now you’re ready to start coding!

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