
Comparing Python Web Scrapers

A simple feature comparison of Web Scraping ( and scraping adjacent ) tools available in Python

Lets look at some of the more well know libraries and tools.

  • BeautifulSoup: A Python library primarily used for web scraping HTML and XML files. Does not have built-in request handling or JavaScript rendering capabilities.
  • Scrapy: A Python framework for large-scale web scraping. Includes various built-in functionalities, such as request handling and data extraction.
  • Selenium: Initially for web application testing, Selenium is also used for web scraping, particularly for JavaScript-rendered content. Controls the web browser to scrape dynamic content.
  • Puppeteer: A Node.js library that provides a high-level API for headless browsing. Good for scraping JavaScript-heavy websites.
  • MechanicalSoup: A Python library that combines BeautifulSoup and a requests-like API to handle and submit forms, follow links, and more.
  • PhantomJS: A headless WebKit scriptable with a JavaScript API. It has fast and native support for various web standards but is now considered somewhat outdated in favor of solutions like Puppeteer.

Feature Comparison Chart:

HTML Parsing
XML Parsing
CSS Selector Support
XPath Selector Support
JavaScript Rendering
Built-in Request Handling
Crawl Multiple Pages
Async Support
Built-in User-Agent Rotation
Export Data Formats (JSON, XML, CSV)
  • ✅ = Feature is present
  • ❌ = Feature is not present

Remember, the absence of a feature in the chart usually means it’s not a built-in feature of the library or framework, but it could often be implemented manually or with additional libraries.

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